Issue No. 33
Hey there, hope you're all having a great summer. To all the new subscribers, welcome!
Just a quick note: I'm adding a new Appendix section at the end of each newsletter. This section will contain additional links to stuff I think you'll find interesting.
Also, I'm planning a series of A1 design talks and events. Some will be online, and some hopfully in person. I'm excited and can't wait to share more about the series. Stay tuned.
Lastly, if you're enjoying AisleOne Digest, consider upgrading to a membership to support the free newsletter. You also get access to a bonus Monday inspiration email, exclusive guest articles, good-for-creating playlists, discounts, and more.
Enjoy the issue.
Paper Bag Archive
Designer Tim Sumner has amassed a collection of over a thousand paper bags — some dating back 100 years. I love to see archives like this documenting and preserving design and culture.